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SMSTS Refresher

£??? + VAT

Who should attend?

Our CITB SMSTS Refresher course ensures personnel stay up to date with the latest health and safety regulations. This training covers legislative updates, approved codes of practice, and industry best practices to ensure compliance and safe working environments. To be eligible for the two-day SMSTS Refresher course, participants must have successfully completed the five-day course and provide valid evidence of certification. Those looking to renew their SMSTS training must submit a copy of their original five-day course certificate.

Duration: 2 Days

What topics are covered on a First Aid course?

- Introduction to Health and Safety Management
- Managing Health and Safety
- Responsibilities of Supervisors and Managers
- Measuring and Auditing health and safety performance
- Control of hazards and risks


Candidates who successfully complete the course will receive the CITB Site Safety Plus Construction Site Management Safety Training Certificate (SMSTS), which is valid for five years.

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